*TRACE Operatives Engange In Palative Work At Iyana Ilogbo On Lagos - Abeokuta Expressway*


The Ogun State Traffic Law and  Enforcement Agency( TRACE) has carried out palliative measures in patching the pot holes along Iyana-Ilogbo, Lagos Abeokuta Expressway with hard core gravel and stones.

The Ogun West, Area 4 Commander, Adekunle Ajibade in a chat with Journalists in his office said this was possible in collaboration with Nigerian Founderies Limited Abestor together with Owode- IjakoTipper garage Chairman providing free transport of gravel and stones to carry out the palliative measures.

"TRACE effort is in compliance with the directive of the TRACE Commander, Prince 'Seni Ogunyemi, that the Agency must solicit assistance of corporate organisations within our axis to use their CSR to assist where necessary", Cdr. Ajibade explained.

He  commended the Nigerian Founderies Limited and Tipper Garage Owode-Ijako for the assistance  urging others to emulate the kind gesture aswell the motorists to abide by traffic rules and regulations.

He added that it is mandatory in the statutory responsibilities of TRACE officers to ensure safe and responsive driving for the road users.

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